BVPOA and matter of citations
An important note from the Buena Vista Property Owners Association (BVPOA) to clarify the neighborhood role of the BVPOA and to quell any misinformation that has been seen on social media.
This note is in response to a recent online rant by “anonymous” alleging that a “citation” had been issued by the BVPOA.
The Buena Vista Property Owners Association (BVPOA) would like to make clear and definitive who we are and what we do:
The BVPOA is an all-volunteer neighborhood organization dedicated to promoting friendship and goodwill throughout the West Hartford area known as Buena Vista. All owners of property in the Buena Vista neighborhood, and all others who are simply residents of this neighborhood, are eligible to join the BVPOA. The organization works for the common good of this community regardless of membership. The dues to join are minimal and no one is turned away. All members of the Buena Vista community are encouraged to join and help make this wonderful neighborhood even better.
And please know, emphatically, that the BVPOA does not issue citations. If you are a recipient of a ‘citation’, it would be prudent to identify the source. A formal citation (or any other formal legal town notice) is a function of the local police department (or other municipal division) and never something issued by a neighborhood organization.
If you or someone you know is the recipient of a ‘citation’, please identify the actual issuer, please respond accordingly, please do not falsely attribute blame and do not go public and blame the BVPOA. We would most appreciate being alerted if you see this occurring again. Please send any information to our President, Sherry Haller, at
Thank you.
The Board of Directors of BVPOA