
Thank You BVPOA Flag Bearer

For a number of years now our BVPOA neighbor, Jonathan Gilson, has purchased and placed American flags on our street sign posts. They are affixed on Memorial Day and taken down after Labor Day.  It is a wonderful tribute to our servicemen and women.  Thank you so much Jonathan for your steadfast passion and...


BVPOA Welcomes New Neighbors

When moving into a new neighborhood, it means so much to be welcomed!  Many thanks to Marisa Mascolo and Rick Liljedahl for preparing and distributing our BVPOA Welcome Baskets to our new individuals and families moving into the Buena Vista neighborhood.


BVPOA Fixing Neighborhood Street Signs

Buena Vista is so fortunate to have our customized street signs for our neighborhood.  Thanks to our members' dues, we are devoting some of our Treasury to fixing and updating the signs to insure they will be with us for years to come.  Many thanks to Tom Goodrum for overseeing...


BVPOA Helps to Increase Traffic Safety

For over a year, BVPOA has been working with town officials to help to improve the safety of the intersections of Everett Avenue and Farmington Avenues. This past year, we discussed a variety of strategies. Thanks to their responsiveness, there is now a "box" at the intersection which encourages drivers heading east on Farmington Avenue to stop...